Further analyses of the unburied Goiania accident packages
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Essays on nuclear energy and radioactive waste management
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In 1987, in the city of Goiania, Brazil, a derelict teletherapy
machine was disassembled by scavengers and Cs-137 was released
in the environment, unleashing the biggest radiological accident in
Brazil. During the 15 days before the accident was acknowledged,
some contaminated materials were sold and delivered to recycling
factories in a few cities in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the form
of metal scrap and recycled paper bales. The contaminated material
was then collected, the metal scrap was conditioned in forty-three
200-liter drums, and the paper bales were stored in fifty 1.6 cubic
meter steel boxes at the interim storage of the Nuclear and Energy
Research Institute (IPEN), in the city of Sao Paulo, and there remained
ever since. In 2017, 30 years later, initial analyses were performed
at a sample of these boxes, checking for their activity, weight, and
incongruences between the original values recorded at the time of
collection and the measurement results 30 years later. The results
indicated that none of the boxes checked were close to the clearance
limit and that, without any sort of treatment, this radioactive waste
should be stored for at least 150 years more. Visual inspection could
not be performed at that time. Nowadays, some of the boxes were
opened and samples from the contaminated material inside were
taken for analysis. The main objective of this work is to report the
results from the evaluation of the physical state of this material. After these analyses, the treatment options for volume reduction that were
previously proposed were reviewed, and the method that best suits
the current characteristics of the waste was chosen.
Como referenciar
SMITH, RICARDO B.; TESSARO, ANA P.G.; ROLINDO, NATALIE C.; VICENTE, ROBERTO. Further analyses of the unburied Goiania accident packages. In: SMITH, RICARDO B. (org.). Essays on nuclear energy and radioactive waste management. 1 ed.. SĂŁo Paulo, SP: GĂȘnio Criador Editora, 2021. , cap. 4. p. 54-64. DisponĂvel em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/33805. Acesso em: 18 Feb 2025.
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