Automation of a lidar system using Labview software for unattended measurements and use in a meteorology virtual course

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We show here preliminary results of the automation of the lidar system present at IPEN/CNENSP. The main software employed was Labview software that can be used to build a virtual interface to control the instrument using block programs based on JAVA/Perl. A good aspect of this software is its ability to put the virtual on the internet, allowing remote sensing (access) of the instrument. Also we show the implementation of Labview's virtual interfaces to the modules present at the lidar system and the development of the controlling software for each one. With the intention of using this tool as a virtual course on meteorology we adapted a middleware for this task, namely MOODLE, which is an acronym for "Modular Object-Directed Dynamic Learning Environment".

Como referenciar
CARRILO, ARTHUR M.; LANDULFO, EDUARDO; VIEIRA JUNIOR, NILSON D.; NOGUEIRA, GESSE E.C.; VIDAL, JOSE T.; RAFAELLI, JORGE C.; NERES, NILSON L. Automation of a lidar system using Labview software for unattended measurements and use in a meteorology virtual course. Optica Pura y Aplicada, v. 41, n. 2, p. 97-100, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 Mar 2025.
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