Influence of impurities on the radiation response of the TlBr semiconductor crystal
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Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Two commercially available TlBr salts were used as the rawmaterial for crystal growths to be used as radiation detectors. Previously,
TlBr salts were purified once, twice, and three times by the repeated Bridgmanmethod. Thepurification efficiency was evaluated by
inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS), after each purification process. A compartmental model was proposed to
fit the impurity concentration as a function of the repetition number of the Bridgman growths, as well as determine the segregation
coefficients of impurities in the crystals. The crystalline structure, the stoichiometry, and the surface morphology of the crystals
were evaluated, systematically, for the crystals grown with different purification numbers. To evaluate the crystal as a radiation
semiconductor detector, measurements of its resistivity and gamma-ray spectroscopy were carried out, using 241Am and 133Ba
sources. A significant improvement of the radiation response was observed in function of the crystal purity.
Como referenciar
SANTOS, ROBINSON A. dos; MESQUITA, CARLOS H. de; SILVA, JULIO B.R. da; FERRAZ, CAUE de M.; COSTA, FABIO E. da; MARTINS, JOAO F.T.; GENNARI, ROSELI F.; HAMADA, MARGARIDA M. Influence of impurities on the radiation response of the TlBr semiconductor crystal. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, v. 2017, n. 1750517, p. 1-10, 2017. DOI: 10.1155/2017/1750517. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 Mar 2025.
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