Dose rate by distance for Au-198 nanoparticles in water
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Medical Physics
Purpose: To evaluate dose as a function of depth in water medium by a source of Au-198 nanoparticles, both as a point
source and as homogeneously distributed over a volume representing a prostate tumor. Dose over an unidirectional axis
was estimated and presented according to distance from the source, highlighting nearby organs at risk. The aim of the
work is the first step in the dosimetric characterization of a new source for nanobrachytherapy under development, consisting of Au-198 nanoparticles injected directly in tumoral mass. Methods: Simulations were carried using MCNP6.2
code by Los Alamos National Laboratory. Four different simulations were realized, for two different source configurations
(point source and 0.4 cm radius spherical source, modeling a prostate tumor) each considering two different components
for the dose (beta emission and photon (gamma/x-ray) emission from the source). Medium considered was infinite water
homogeneous. Results: Dose curve as a function of distance from the source was evaluated and allowed a first
estimative of dose at points of interest for treatment with a new nanobrachytehrapy source. Point source results are
valuable for future extrapolation for complex tumor/organs geometry. Prostate tumor model presents data that allows to
estimate dose at center of tumor, borders of tumor, and at other organs nearby, such as rectum and bladder.
Conclusion: Being a beta-emitter, Au-198 shows a high deposition of energy near the source, with doses falling
significantly with distance from the source. However, due to gamma and x-ray emission from the source, as well as
secondary radiation originating from the beta particles, not-negligible dose was scored at significant distance. This
quantitative study will be relevant for posterior dosimetry of more complex cases as well to develop protocols for
dosimetry and clinical use, as nanobrachytherapy (with nanoparticles as sources) is a relatively new field with few specific
works published.
Como referenciar
ANGELOCCI, L.V.; SGRIGNOLI, S.S.; SOUZA, C.D.; TEODORO, L.E.H.; ZEITUNI, C.A.; ROSTELATO, M.E.C.M. Dose rate by distance for Au-198 nanoparticles in water. Medical Physics, v. 51, n. 10, p. 7715-7716, 2024. DOI: 10.1002/mp.17457. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 Mar 2025.
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