Inversion of methane TROPOMI data applied to Metropolitan Region of São Paulo
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Despite having numerous sources of methane emissions, the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo
(MRSP), has a deficit in data related to emissions, especially in the identification of greenhouse gas
sources in this region. Thus, the use of satellite data becomes a powerful tool to obtain estimates of
methane emissions. The Sentinel 5-P satellite provides daily data on methane, so the application of
an inverse method of these data makes it possible to estimate methane emissions from MRSP. We
use Integrated Methane Inversion (IMI), this tool makes an inversion process that utilizes a highly
sophisticated research-grade algorithm performing a straightforward inversion with a grid and
default prior emission estimates. Inversions were performed, in the months of August, September,
and October, due to the years of 2019, 2020, and 2021. This work presents the preliminary results of
this study, which proved that IMI is a promising tool to obtain emission data of the MRSP.
Como referenciar
ANDRADE, IZABEL S.; MENDES, ALEX C.P.; VARON, DANIEL; ANDRADE, MARIA F.; LANDULFO, EDUARDO. Inversion of methane TROPOMI data applied to Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. In: BARJA, BORIS (ed.); LANDULFO, EDUARDO (ed.); LOPES, FABIO J. da S. (ed.). In: WORKSHOP ON LIDAR MEASUREMENTS IN LATIN AMERICA, 12th, April 7-12, 2024, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... p. 61-61. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 Mar 2025.
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